Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Observational Reflection 2

My most recent observation was last week during my AP Statistics class. We were just beginning our probability unit, so we were doing an exploratory lab. Students were to complete a candy lab, which compared colors that come in different types of candy. We looked at Mike & Ike’s, Starbursts, M&M’s, and Skittles. Each student had their own sample of candy they were to predict and collect data with. Then once they collected their data, they were to come together as a group and compare findings, followed by combining their data together. Once they compiled the data, they were to combine the data as a class and compare the findings. The overall idea of this was to use probability to see if we could determine the more popular color candy. I believe it was somewhat successful, but because the lab had a lot of parts to it, it was tough to have a good group discussion at the end due to time.

This lab has proved to be a good indicator of how I could have created mini-lessons to help with the time aspect. I could have had students using the smaller data to do different things and then have another lesson using larger data and then talking about the difference in sample sizes. I think that this would have help with their fluency because they would have been doing multiple hands on activities, which would have made the lessons stick better, than rushing through one big activity. I think this also would have given students time for the information to stick in before beginning a new idea. Though students responded well to the activity, I could tell that the concepts did not fully stick. Most likely there will have to be a reteaching aspect of future lessons. I think mini-lessons for this would have been more effective.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

These past two weeks have been hectic. The first quarter was coming to a close and, of course, students had been coming up to ask what they can do to bring up their grade. This time I feel is more stressful for the teacher than the student. I need to have everything from the first quarter graded, grades finalized in the grading system, complete other teacher obligations in the building, and still plan meaningful, effective lessons for three different subjects. I find the close of the quarter to be my busy time.

Being in my third year, I should have this down pat on how to deal with the different stressors teaching has to throw at me, but this one never seems to have an effective solution. In talking to my colleagues in what they do to cope with the stress, I have learned some good tips I want to try next quarter when grades close. One of my colleagues had suggested just not taking work that is more than 2 weeks past due. This is a rule across the board for most teacher and I have it in my syllabus, but culture in the building makes it hard to stand behind this rule when so many kids are failing at once. I think by standing more firm on my rules and expectations, I can eliminate the pressures I feel in grading more than I already have to.

On top of being the end of the marking period, I also had multiple observations. I had a formal observation by my assistant principal, two informal observations by the principal and the department chair, and one by my teacher mentor. When my teacher mentor came, I made sure to plan a lesson that would not be too outside the box and relaxed. I wanted her to see that my classroom operates in a smooth manor with everyone on the same page. I did not let the stress of having an observation get to me and I made sure that everything was as organic as possible. I think the key to having a stress-less observation is to just roll with it. Just do what you normally do, and everything will fall into place. I made sure that day one I set the tone and created a good rapport with all my students, and I think that also helps when it comes to teaching them and making sure they are gaining the knowledge they need to succeed.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Meeting All Student Needs

I am in my third year of teaching and every year I have a different set of learners. I have students that learn better by taking notes, students that learn better by just being exposed to the problem being modelled, and those that require many different opportunities for practice and references. In meeting all these needs, quite the challenge is posed because you must alter each lesson in many ways so that everyone in the room can benefit. Engagement must be high, and everyone must be able to learn.

In trying to meet the needs of my students, I have taken many approaches. I have created poster size anchor charts, with the step by step processes of different things we are working on in class, as well as individual hand outs for those to keep. I have also tried supplying videos during class instruction and for students to have access to who may need extra help. Using different platforms like GeoGebra and Desmos, have also been able to help my students, so I do try to offer practice on those sites.

Moving forward with my career, I do want to try and provide as many students as possible with as many resources and opportunities to learn as possible. I am so used to learning through lecture because that is how my classes were structured in all my years of schooling. With this generation, lecture is as engaging to them. Because I have a variety of learners in one class, I cannot just lecture and expect all students to grasp the knowledge. I want to try and incorporate more exploratory lessons, so give students the chance to learn on their own and be more responsible for their own learning, which is a skill they will need for higher education. They need to be able to learn from an instructor but also on their own time. I want to be more engaging by having more relatable lessons too. I know I learn better through experience and it seems that a lot of my students benefit from it as well, so I want to have more hands-on lessons where students can physical apply the knowledge to something real world. I think that if I pay more attention to the community I teach, I can find things that interest all students and engage them more.

I have to remember while doing all of this that everyone learns differently. I cannot just teach one way or have one type of practice and expect all students to understand the concept. I need to make sure that I have multiple outlets for each student to give them the highest probability for success. Each student has to be given an equal opportunity to learn and so whatever I can find to help them learn better, I will. 


Being a teacher has been one of the biggest achievements in my life. I went from a career in finance and not knowing what I wanted to do w...